Engineering Bld No.12, #12102
We developed method to analyze aircraft flow and method to generate grid applying mathematical and numerical method for aircraft design. We performed basic and applied research for aircraft design through flow analysis of overall aircraft’s inside and outside such as aerodynamic performances research of surrounding delta wing. Now we are mainly performing development of method to analyze flow field of helicopter rotor and study of geometrical optimal design part. Recently, We are performing aerodynamic analysis of MAV(Micro Air Vehicle)’s “Flapping Wing” system and study about its visualization. Doing research of design and manufacture of MAV that shaped coaxial and flapping consisting project team.

Engineering Bld No.12, #12101
A wind tunnel is a research tool developed to assist with studying the effects of air moving over or around solid objects. The wind tunnel provides the engineer with valuable data on scale models. An aerodynamic forces measured by external force balance system. Using measured data, Analyse performance of the scale model. Fluid dynamics Experiments for undergraduate student and Capstone design project conducted in Wind Tunnel Test Lab.

Engineering Bld No.12, #12102-1
Aerodynamics Lab is used to study textbook and to hold seminar for undergraduate student and Capstone design project. Projector and screen suitable for small group presentation is installed in Aerodynamics Lab.

Engineering Bld No.12, #12103 & #12103-1
APCL studies combustion phenomena and performance analysis for rocket, astronautical propulsion engines and high speed aeronautical propulsion engines, such as turbine engines, ramjet engines and scramjet engines.
Research Area
- - Supersonic Propulsion for High Speed Vehicle
- - LASER Propulsion System
- - Detonation Phenomenon
- - High Integrated Parallel Computing

Engineering Bld No.8 #8103, #8111
Heat transfer and turbomachinery lab. is conducting a research concerning performance analysis and design of compressor and turbine which were parts of gas turbine engine. In order to design turbomachinery and improve performance analysis, lab. is focused on both to develop 3-dimensional flow analysis program and conduct experimental research. New Liquid Crystal Display analysis method was established for measurement and analysis heat transfer and it is applying to designing and manufacturing heat transfer models.