- Lab. Professor : Kuisoon Kim
- Lab. TEL : 051-510-3290
- Location : Engineering #8 – 8103, 8111
- Homepage : • http://turbo.pusan.ac.kr
This laboratory is conducting research using CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) for engine cycle analysis of gas turbine engines, aerodynamic analysis of turbines, compressors, and heat transfer analysis including turbine cooling, which are key components of the engine. In addition, we are conducting experimental research using liquid crystal (TLC, Thermochromic Liquid Crystal), PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), shadowgraph and Schlieren techniques as we are building equipment such as thermal wind tunnel and supersonic wind tunnel. Based on this, it is designing and experimenting with heat exchangers for aircraft.
Recent Projects
- Dataization of Performance Characteristics of the Main Engine Passage Components
- Turbine Blade Flow Analysis and Three-Dimensional Design for Liquid-propellant Rocket Engine Turbo Pump
- Development of High-Pressure Turbine Cooling Design Technology and Construction of Test Evaluation Technology for Turbofan Engine for Small-Medium Size Aircraft
- Small and Medium Waste Heat Recovery Cogeneration System Using Low Temperature Rankine Cycle
- Human Resources Training Project for Nuclear Power Plant Core Mechanical Components Materials