- Lab. Professor : Jeong Kim
- Lab. TEL : 051-510-1531
- Location : Engineering #8 – 8109, 8110
- Homepage : http://dsal.pusan.ac.kr
Recently, in the trend of achieving both high strength and lightness at the same time is essential in the materials, making the structure of aircraft, the development are being developed, being lighter and harder materials that can be made to fit the target shape and forming process of transportation parts. In particular, aircrafts are exposed to frequent vibrations and strong external forces during operation. Materials must be applied by considering both the static material properties, which are unique properties of existing materials, and, Incidentally, the dynamic material properties, must be decided carefully. To meet the above requirements, this lab conducts research to verify the high-speed properties of high-strength steel and aluminum materials used in the aircraft through experiments, finite element analysis, and various deep learning techniques. In addition, conducting comparative verification with high-speed forming experiments and finite element analysis that can incorporate dynamic properties evaluate better formability and strength compared to existing forming methods, and a method of forming that can be applied to aircraft was developed.
Recent Projects
- 고속성형한계선도 기반의 성형성 평가를 통한 고속성형기술 플랫폼 구축 (한국연구재단)
- 굴삭기용 전자식 조이스틱 개발 (중소기업기술정보진흥원)
- 액중방전성형(EHF) 공정을 이용한 고속 변형률 동적 재료물성 평가 (한국연구재단)
- 대면적 Frame 구조 최적화 기술 개발 (삼성디스플레이주식회사)
- 연료전지 금속분리판 성형(EMF공법) 기술개발 ((주)노바)
- STS 액중 방전 성형 해석 및 성형성 검증 ((주)LG전자)
- 전자기장을 이용한 성형해석 기술 개발 ((주)현대엔지비)