- Lab. Professor : Donghun Park
- Lab. TEL : 051-510-2867
- Location : Engineering #9 – 9101
- Homepage : https://aadl.pusan.ac.kr
Applied Aerodynamics & Design Lab. conducts basic and applied research on the aerodynamic properties and flow phenomena of various aircraft using theoretical and numerical methods. In the field of fundamental aerodynamic study, we are conducting research on aerodynamic boundary layer instability and transition based on stability theory and stability analysis. Linear stability theory (LST), linear and non-linear parabolic stability equations (LPSE and NPSE), and bi-global stability analysis codes have been developed and utilized in various theory studies and parameter studies. In addition, based on the results of flow stability analysis, we are conducting research on the development/improvement of a physics-based turbulence-transition model for RANS analysis of hypersonic flow. In the field of rapid aerodynamic analysis, three-dimensional unsteady potential flow analysis techniques based on the source-doublet panel method, the actuator disk method, and the rotor blade flow analysis based on the actuator surface method are developed/improved, and used to design/develop aircraft. In the field of applied computational aerodynamics, we analyze the aerodynamic performance and flow characteristics of non-traditional flight conditions, such as the ultra-low Reynolds number flow and the hypersonic flow, and applies to aerodynamic design. Based on the results of CFD analysis, we are conducting aerodynamic shape optimization research using sensitivity analysis, design of experiments, surrogate model, artificial neural network, genetic algorithm and preference function. In the field of experimental study, an aircraft aerodynamic measurement wind tunnel test is conducted using the subsonic wind tunnel, and a practical evaluation study is conducted on the production of an aerodynamic measurement test model using 3D printing. In addition, research is being conducted to measure the wall effect of the test unit experimentally and analyze it in parallel with CFD analysis, and development/experimentally verification is conducted with a wall effect correction through machine learning of CFD analysis data.
Recent Projects
- Reusable Unmanned Space Vehicle
- Development of surface microstructure for reduction of hypersonic aerodynamic heating
- Mars Atmospheric Flying Robot Laboratory
- Research of core technologies for stratospheric solar-powered drone
- UAM Virtual Integrated Operation Platform
- Development of Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) system for UAM Aircraft Design
- Data-driven Flow Modeling Research Laboratory
- Numerical Study on Hypersonic Chemical Reacting Boundary Layer Transition
- Scramjet Combined Propulsion System